A group of pipeline experts

Who we are

PIPELINEBRAZIL is an associative group comprising professionals specialized in pipelines, who collaborate with university students and young professionals as necessary. It works as a cooperative partnership, where professionals from different parts of the world offer knowledge, assistance and solutions for the pipeline industry. All of our services are developed through partners such as: companies, universities, entities, research centers, consultants and young professionals. PIPELINEBRAZIL combines the energy and ideas of young people with the experience of the most tested in the market. Using what is most modern in digital technology, we are bringing together professionals from different cities such as: Aberdeen, Bangalore, Brisbane, Calgary, Houston, Langfang, Newcastle, Palo Alto, Rio de Janeiro, Trondheim and others. All initiatives are supervised by professionals with many years of experience, a lot of knowledge and a huge network of contacts accumulated over more than 35 years. You can see some of these professionals who work with us at PIPELINE BRAZIL.

We have a visionary, disruptive and youthful team ready to contribute to your company with the changes that our industry needs. We operate both locally and internationally with the most appropriate personnel for each project.



The Pipeline Industry has a Soul, and we all know that we can collaborate towards improving that with certain beliefs. The first and most obvious is Zero Accidents. Another is greater communication. We need to transform the way we communicate with those around us: we must get closer to all our Stakeholders, NGOs, the Press, our Neighbors near the ROWs, Universities, Young Professionals and Society at large. We need to show that our activity is safe and very interesting for environmental reasons. We also need to incorporate much more knowledge and technology into our infrastructure, such as: sensor engineering, artificial intelligence and intelligent materials. Finally, we need to perpetuate our industry in order to attract new talent and seek new applications such as biofuels, biogas, biomass, CO2, H2, and everything that the global society requires. Pipelines go far beyond fossil fuels, and PIPELINEBRAZIL will be there ready for the innovations, which we ourselves are promoting.

Associated Professional

All initiatives are supervised by professionals with many years of experience, a high level of knowledge, and a massive network of contacts accumulated over more than 35 years. You can see some of those who work with us.

  • Marcelino Guedes Gomes

    Mechanical Engineer PUC-Rio
    M.Sc. in Civil Engineering UFRJ
    At Petrobras, 34 years:
    Coordinator - Pipeline Technology Program – CENPES
    Pipelines & TerminalsDirector at PETROBRAS TRANSPORT
    Chair of the Pipeline System Division of the ASME
    President : CTDUT - Pipeline Technology Center – Brazil
    President of ABENDI - Brazilian Society for NDT and Inspection
    Chair of Pipeline Committee of – IBP

  • Mária Alves Fernandes de Oliveira

    Business Administration - FASPA
    MBA in Human Resources Management from IAG - PUC/RJ
    At Petrobras 33 years:
    Corporate Education Manager - TRANSPETRO
    Competency Development Manager
    Human Resources Development Manager - PETROBRAS
    Process Integration Coordinator
    Change Management Specialist - Organizational Alignment

  • Raimar Van Den Bylaardt

    Director at VAN DEN Científica
    Director at National Association for R&D of Innovative Companies – ANPEI
    General Coordinator of technology and human resources – ANP
    Executive Manager of management of knowledge and innovation – IBP
    President : Pipeline Technology Center – CTDUT
    Member of Commission for Technology and Innovation - IBP
    Superior Council of Smart Technologies Center – CTSmart

  • Ricardo Luiz Terzian

    Civil Engineer FEI – SP
    M.Sc. in Logistics PUC-Rio
    MBA in Finance IBMEC-SP
    Post Graduated in Project Manager – IETC- SP
    More than 25 years managing infrastructure and engineering projects
    O&G – Director of Andrade Gutierrez Construction Company
    Manager of - Pipeline Integrity Programs – PWC - Petrobras
    Manager of Pipeline Protections System - Tecgraf – Petrobras


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