
We are a pipeline consulting company that provides services divided into five movements: Studies, Technology, Training, Events and Startups.

Hi there,

My name is Marcelino Guedes Gomes and I am a Mechanical Engineer from Brazil. I have spent almost 34 years working with pipelines at PETROBRAS, the state-controlled oil & gas company in Brazil. While there, I had the opportunity of carrying out projects in different areas, including Pipeline Research and Development, Integrity, Flow Assurance, Pigging, Subsea Rigid and Flexible Flowlines, Fuel Ethanol Pipelines, Operational Procedures, Solutions for ROW and Illegal Tapping, among others

I was appointed Pipeline Director of Petrobras Transport S.A. (the logistics subsidiary of PETROBRAS) and also President of CTDUT (Pipeline Technology Center in Brazil). I was indicated to become Chairman of the Pipeline Systems Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Some years ago, I decided to start a new Project; my own pipeline consultancy company with a different approach – PIPELINEBRAZIL. Why PIPELINEBRAZIL? That name came from a lunch meeting with a friend from the International Pipeline Community who said he associated two things with me, Pipeline and Brazil. He was right because, besides my family, these are the two biggest passions of my life… Pipeline and Brazil.

Following my retirement, the company is now set up and functioning and I am both excited and proud to tell you about the company and its philosophy. Please follow…

Marcelino Guedes Gomes
Founder & Director


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